Add PayPal and Venmo to Optimized Donation Forms

Right now only standard forms have PayPal and Venmo payment options. We see a lot of donations come through these two methods and would like to use optimized donations forms, but without these two options it's hard to justify even though they look better and have good donor conversion rates.

  • John Mohnaskay
  • May 31 2024
  • Shipped
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    • Admin
      Samantha McGuin commented
      June 11, 2024 12:54

      I'm pleased to announce that today we shipped a release and Paypal and Venmo are now included as payment options on the optimized form! If you already have Paypal integration setup in BBMS, there is no further action you need to take - as long as you selected an account configuration with Paypal turned on, your optimized forms will automatically display Paypal, and Venmo if you have Venmo setup in your Paypal account.

      If you haven't setup Paypal already with BBMS, you can follow these instructions here: