Not UK Taxpayers should not need their declaration confirmed

In RE/RENXT, we can add Gift Aid Declarations that say that a constituent is "Not A UK Taxpayer" and therefore, we cannot claim Gift Aid on their gifts. We do not write to these constituents to confirm this status, if they have told us on the phone or electronically, and we do not typically scan documents that say this either.

As written declarations need the "scanned documents" check box checked and oral/electronic donations need the "sent" date filled in for the date a confirmation was sent to the supporter, these constituents have the "Declaration requires confirmation" warning at the top of their records.

We don't think that someone telling us we cannot claim gift aid requires a confirmation to be sent (since we aren't claiming their tax money), so for these records we feel it should say "Not A UK Taxpayer" in the Gift Aid indicator on the constituent record in web view instead of "Declaration requires confirmation."

  • Rachel Cavalier
  • Apr 10 2024
  • Attach files