Pledge Gifts: more flexibility with schedule functionality

Hello! I'm responsible for gifts processing at my organization. Some of our supporters are making gift pledge commitments in which prior giving is to be recognized as a pledge payment. As a result, if I utilize the Schedule feature within the Pledge functions, to apply past gifts to be recognized as pledge payments, for all future expected giving I no longer have the option of having a projected schedule for their remaining pledge payments. As a result, this information appears misleading and inaccurately on RE (database view) reports that I prepare, to monitor pledges for 4-5 fundraising campaigns that we currently have actively underway. Also, after a schedule is added to a gift pledge, there are restrictions to adjusting it or deleting it entirely. As well, creating an irregular gift schedule is challenging.

Overall, it would be great if there could be more flexibility with schedule functionality for gift pledges.

  • Guest
  • Mar 13 2024
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