Duplicates in RE NXT lists

It would be incredibly beneficial if we were able to filter and remove duplicated names in either the constituent or gift record. for example, currently, the best way to generate a list from RE NXT for non-acknowledged gifts is to use gift record and filter non-acknowledged. However it pulls every single gift for the constituent. There is no way to remove the same name from appearing again. Therefore, there is no way for me to generate a list without manually comparing it to an excel list that I can remove duplicates from. This would be very time consuming for those that are trying to send out multiple letters. For example RE NXT keeps pulling ~14,000 gifts to be acknowledged, however when I export into excel and remove the duplicates there are only ~7,000. So now I would have to cross-reference both lists and edit the RE NXT list to match the excel list and I am not confident I would miss any donors during this process.

Please advise if there is a better work around or if this is something that can be added to the RE NXT system.

  • Guest
  • Jan 25 2024
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