Unable to modify NXT batch in Database view.

When a batch is approved and opened in Database view the batch is "locked" and you cannot modify the columns, make changes or adjustments. You need to go to EACH gift record and make modifications/changes. if it is a large batch this is time consuming. columns that come over include receipt, receipt amt, date. I would like to hide or remove unwanted columns and move columns that I do use (Campaign & Appeal) from the very last columns so I don't have to scroll back and forth. We use funds and packages and they do not transfer in. You have to go into each record to update (or do a global add). It would be much easier if we had the ability to modify batches in database view.

  • Guest
  • Jan 17 2024
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    03 Mar 22:56

    Also commenting to support modifying NXT batches. It would be very helpful to be able to add columns such as constituent ID to gift batches.

  • Candice Rossi commented
    28 Jan 19:57

    I agree, this function is supposed to make sending online gifts over to RE easier but it's just giving me double the work of editing and fixing them all. Now I just manually add these gifts to gift batch in database view.

  • Guest commented
    August 16, 2024 22:00

    Commenting to support suggestion - Blackbaud please do this.