Provide a query field linking a pledge payment to a specific pledge

I’m continually frustrated by the fact that Raisers Edge does not have a way to link pledges and their pledge payments through a standard query. Blackbaud recommends a multi-step process of creating a Pledge Payment import file:

A more intuitive process would be to assign each pledge a Pledge identifier, and attach that pledge identifier to each pledge payment and scheduled installment. That pledge identifier could then be available for queries in the gift record for each pledge transaction and for each Pay-Cash, etc. transaction, adjustment and writeoff transaction, so that a report by pledge identifier could be produced to show pledges, pledge payments, writeoffs, remaining payments and balance due by individual pledge.

This would allow us to produce much more informative pledge reminders and pledge histories when researching individual pledges, and help us immensely in managing our pledge receivables. We have donors making multiple pledges to multiple funds with schedules that overlap in time, so we and our donors would benefit from the ability to produce detailed payment data for individual pledges.

  • Guest
  • Nov 30 2023
  • Attach files