add number of donors to Analyze dashboards in NXT

All analyze dashboards show # of gifts, average gift and more...but not # of donors. Like most fundraising shops, we count # of gifts and # of donors as important metrics to demonstrate progress and growth. Currently I have to run a different report out of the database view to communicate to the staff how many donors make up the figures in the Analyze dashboard. We would love to see this data point added across all Analyze dashboards.

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  • Mar 2 2017
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  • Tara Sawchuk commented
    June 26, 2023 17:51

    I would also love to see "Running Count", so it can align with Running Sum on year-over-year graphs of gifts and number of donors.

  • Admin
    Kylee Long commented
    August 31, 2021 14:12

    Hi. Number of donors is now available in the Dashboard Builder, so it’s possible to see both dollars and donors. Per the comment above, I am marking this as Shipped. If this does not address the main concern, please open a new Idea so that others can comment and vote.

  • Blake Moody commented
    January 23, 2019 13:56

    We have added # of Donors as a canned insight in our Dashboard Builder experience, which is currently rolling out to our customers. We are getting close to General Availability (GA). I just wanted to let customers following or voting on this idea know.

    We'll keep this idea as planned till Dashboard Builder is GA.

  • Nell Saunders-Scott commented
    December 05, 2018 15:04

    Along with number of donors, average total giving for the year would also be helpful.

  • Teresa Dick commented
    June 27, 2018 17:52

    I agree, this would be helpful to have in the analyze section, so we didn't have to run separate lists.

  • Aria Johnston commented
    December 07, 2017 14:42

    I agree, it's misleading to see so many gifts knowing that the majority of them are regular gifts. I'd much rather know the number of donors.

  • Corina Evans commented
    August 09, 2017 16:31

    As with the majority of development offices, our goals are set around number of donors, not number of gifts. This essential data point is currently missing from the Analyze dashboards and we would love to see it added across all Analyze dashboards.

  • Michae Hlady commented
    March 13, 2017 19:55

    Most of our goals are actually set on number of donors....this is helpful!

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