Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit RENXT-I-300 Show attachment filename as a column in action lists.

Show if there is an Attachment added to an Action in Action List on NXT (extra column) Merged

It would be essential to see Attachment names or if there are any attachments in Action lists in an extra column. On the Constituent records under Actions you can see maximum 20 actions across 4 pages and a 'Clip' icon shows if there is an attachment attached. It is not implemented in the Action list though; however, that is the only way to see more than 20 actions and we do not want to click through hundreds of actions to see if there is any attachments. If there is a column for that, we could even sort the actions by attachments.

Additional information: When merging constituents in RE7 we need to see if there are any attachments added on/via NXT to records, and that would be the only way if there are more than 20 actions. Please note, that attachments added via NXT do not get merged so if we need to update master records manually, we need to see all attachments added via NXT either on to action, or on to constituent records or in any other case.

  • Guest
  • Feb 16 2017
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Therese Junker commented
    November 01, 2019 17:26

    Yes, this and there is no way to make a list based on attachments. It would be nice to be able to run a list of everyone who had an action or opportunity with an attachment, or had an attachment with a certain tag, for example attachment = research profile

  • Tina VanDyk commented
    March 28, 2017 12:43

    We would also like to be able to view on the web based platform the action attachments that were added in the database platform

  • Jen Claudy commented
    February 22, 2017 19:46

    I ended up adding Action and Gift Attributes to indicate whether this is an Attachment in NXT.  Also allowed for NXT Lists to let me know which records needed Attachments still.  But an automatic system would be much better.  And a warning when merging records if there are Attachments that will be left behind.  That's a big concern/potential problem.