Fiscal Year in Review

I doubt this would ever be created, but would be a huge benefit for all non-profits.

Imagine a world where you could access all your year-end reporting with the click of a button! A Fiscal Year in Review report section would be able to provide all the snapshots of reporting that non-profits do at the end of their year in one place.

  • How many gifts did we have?

  • How many unique donors?

  • What was our revenue in (fund, campaign, appeal, package, etc.)?

This would all be set based on simple questions to drill down your way of capturing the information at your org.

  • What are your fiscal year dates? Already in NXT.

  • What gift types do you consider revenue?

  • Do you use soft credits?

NXT would then provide you with a custom area that has all this information at your fingertips after you close out the last month in your fiscal year and post that data.

  • Lee Grisham
  • Sep 6 2023
  • Attach files