Need more flexibility in Canadian E-Receipt for RENXT.

The e-receipt function for Canadian clients is a welcome addition to NXT, but there's a lot that needs to be tweaked to make it truly effective. We cannot edit any of the formatting or fields included on the PDF receipt. This poses issues all over the document. For example,

  • The name field is pulled from the record display settings instead of a proper addressee field. Being a higher ed institution, it will pull the class year we have included in our view preferences - looks VERY ODD on a receipt. Since we cannot edit this field, we have to change our name settings EVERY TIME we run receipts. Not ideal. We can't edit.

  • The salutation doesn't include "Dear" or other greeting. It has the same field as the address block. It does not look personal - not donor-centric. We can't edit.

  • The gift details included shows the FUND CODE. This is not required by CRA and it looks very unprofessional to have internal coding showing on a receipt. We can't remove.

  • We would like to be able to edit the final Thank you line on the receipt. A generic one is not very donor-centric (ie. On behalf of our organization) We might as well say..."This is a form letter for many charities". We can't edit.

  • The President or CEO's signature should NOT have a CRA number right above - it is not proper for a letter format (which this is). That should be underneath. Again, we can't edit to fix this ourselves.

  • J Wilson
  • Aug 29 2023
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    May 07, 2024 14:02

    I have come across the same thing for our school. I would like the same on the receipt to be our tax receipt addressee which does not have a title or grad year like we have on thier primary. Just being able to add these as merge fields would be great.