Allow Gift Type to be modified when creating event forms

When you're looking at total giving over the course of a year - you want to omit transactions that are not an actual donation. It would be fantastic if, when creating an event form you could modify the gift type to classify as "event ticket", then modify any additional donation that comes in on top of it as a "one time gift" this way, when you are pulling out reporting, you can more easily filter out transactions at the gift type level, rather than having to go all the way down to appeal.

  • Kelly Hunter
  • Jul 4 2023
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    • Candy Reichert commented
      November 12, 2024 20:30

      Often a registrations for an event is fully Non-taxdeductible. Other times the Registration fee is split between a donation and a fee (not taxdeductible).
      The gift type of "Other" is already available in Webview. This also needs to be available to assign to a fee type in the event registration form.
      When a registration ticket is a Split gift. These split outs need to be available as separate gifts.
      At the very LEAST, we should be able to change the Gift Type in the gift BEFORE it is committed/approved in batch. This will save a lot of time it takes to duplicate each gift and move them over to 'OTHER" gift type, and deleting the original gift that came in the batch.

      FYI Almabase gifts that are linked do have the ability to apply the Other Gift Type to a registration fee, AND I can change the Gift Type after it is in batch, before the batch is approved. This should be available inside RE Webview also!!

      Help me keep my donation forms inside RE!!!!!!!

    • Brian Soucie commented
      July 06, 2023 00:42

      100% agree. Blackbaud needs to implement a similar solution to what's available in BBCRM, where there is a completely different 'gift type' for event registrations. Alternatively, change the default gift type to 'Other' for event registrations.