Search bar only uses first name, last name, or first line of address so far. Please include searching ability by middle name, spouse, or any other part of name.

At this time the RE NXT search bar uses first name, last name, or first line of address. When I search for a profile using the first name, it gives some suggestion to choose from, however, when I am trying to locate a profile using a middle name or spouse's name there are no suggestions given, and the possibility of creating duplicate profiles increases.

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  • Jun 6 2023
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  • Kevyn Barnes commented
    November 17, 2023 02:01

    When I run across this issue (including with hyphenate/compound last names), I may add up to a dozen aliases to a single constituent if they have a first, middle, compound surname, maiden name, and different nickname/preferred name. But I can probably only catch a small percentage out of thousands.

    The non-power users I've watched aren't familiar enough with database search precision to realize they need to try searching multiple ways if a constituent doesn't show up on the first search.