When adding new gift records in NXT webview, include the Gift Code field that can be found in database view on the gift record Miscellaneous tab

Gift Code field in database needs to be included in NXT

  • Guest
  • Mar 17 2023
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Keri Eadie commented
    02 May 18:24

    Also if the the gift code is on the automated recurring gift it does not endure through to the recurring payments. This creates a lot of data clean-up for our monthly donors in order to reconcile.

  • Betsy Mosley commented
    November 06, 2023 21:56

    Please add Gift Code to RENXT gift and batch entry. The Gift Code is used when reconciling gift with Finance. We currently have to use the DB view to enter gifts because of this problem.

  • Lisa Jackson commented
    May 09, 2023 13:12

    PLEASE Add this! It is a critical field for us, and having to go into DB view after the fact to add to gifts is super annoying.