When a donor makes an update to their profile via the donor portal, these changes must be reviewed and approved in the Profile Update Log. Currently, there are no notifications or alerts to RENXT users to alert them that these changes need reviewed/approved.
As an example, last year I received returned mail for a donor but for an address that we didn't have on their record. Queue panic in how a completely erroneous mailing address ended up sent to our mail house and the time spent figuring out what could have gone wrong at export because these type of errors are rarely limited to one. Then to figure out that a portal update had been sitting in the review log for a couple of months as I was unaware that these are completely silent updates with no notification.
Yes I think this would be very useful, too. We have very specific address, phone, and email types for different purposes that we may need to make note of immediately as there may be various consequences that the donor is not going to know. We also archive old addresses, emails, and phones instead of writing over them like the portal updates do--this gives us context for past donations when a donor moves from one region to another or if an old note indicates a problem with the former contact info. Overall, we need to have an audit trail for changes so create an action every time a donor updates via the portal -- the sooner we are aware that a change has been made, AND that the change was directly from the donor and not another staff member who failed to properly note changes, the better.
I just wanted to clarify here that when a Portal user updates their Profile, those changes are made to their records in real-time. Marking the updates as "Reviewed" in the Profile Update log simply remove those updates from the log.
Yes, this would be really useful - I came here to suggest the same thing! If an email alert could be sent, or a notification icon when you next log in.