Marketing Emails through RE NXT - ensure we are capturing ALL Constituents AND their spouses who have an email address, for mass marketing emails


Case Central # 019054132 - For our Email Distribution lists - Marketing Emails through RE NXT - ADD - ensure we are capturing ALL Constituents with an email address, AND also their spouses, who do not have their own constituent id, but do have a spousal relationship and who also have their own email address. Otherwise, we are missing thousands of people in our database who have an email address, when we create a list to send out a mass marketing email.

  • Tammy Eveleth
  • Oct 4 2022
  • Attach files
  • Marcia Fischer commented
    August 30, 2024 12:36

    Yes! YES, a thousand times yes!

    In my opinion, this is not a functional email system if we can not reach out to everyone with an email—both individuals—spouses—and individuals within an organization. Very disappointing.

  • Laura Curry commented
    October 05, 2022 17:13

    Oh my god YES! This is probably the most frustrating issue with gifts in NXT.