Expand number of Funds in "Top 10 Funds" Report

I really like the built in dashboards under Fundraising|Reporting|Funds and especially the idea behind the Top 10 Funds dashboard. This is invaluable info for our fundraisers to know what goals have been met and which ones haven't. However, we have more than 10 funds and I'd like to include all funds in this dashboard. Knowing what still needs to be raised is just as important as what has been raised. This becomes more important as we approach our year-end.

The other dashboards in this section (Funds by Campaign, Appeal, Constituent, etc.) include all our funds. Therefore, I'm hoping that Funds raised vs. goal can also include all funds.

The current set up is causing confusion for our organization and I think including all the funds will rectify this issue.

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  • Jul 8 2022
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