We should have a radio check box for "this number accepts SMS"

We can have multiple phone numbers listed, but knowing which one actually receives texts will help us target the correct number for texting campaigns. We currently use a phone type "Text #", but that means we are duplicating the number which is a hassle later when we mark numbers that have become inactive.

  • Sarah Martin
  • Jun 21 2022
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    December 03, 2024 04:47

    This would be great! Every time I set up a text, a large percentage of the numbers I upload turn out to be landlines. If we had a way to record whether specific numbers could accept texts or not, we could prevent that. Like Sarah suggests below an option for "Accepts SMS, Can't Accept SMS, blank/unknown" would be super helpful

  • Sarah Martin commented
    December 02, 2024 18:57

    To add to this, some numbers are not valid for texting, so it would be nice to have a drop down option specific to the number that has three options: Accepts SMS, Can't Accept SMS, blank/unknown.

    We can't use solicit code for this because we may want to mark a landline home number or business number as Can't Accept, but other numbers listed may be valid for SMS. Exporting an SMS list is easier when we can define which number to export since the SMS number may not be the primary number for calling.