Allow tribute gift information to pass through to partner applications through SKY API.

Since NXT disconnected Microsoft application integration, we have started using Receipter Pro, one of the partner applications RENXT highlighted in a recent webinar. We are running into a big frustration, though, with the fact that tribute gift information does not transfer over from RENXT to Receipter Pro.

It is essentially adding insult to injury since the change has significantly disrupted our processes AND we are needing to pay for an additional add-on to make this work smoothly (I understand that it COULD be done through a csv export and an Office merge, but certainly not elegantly).

I have (sort of) figured out a workaround for tribute letters in RP, but it entails having to do double duty as I enter them as tributes in RENXT - but I need them there so I can run a report that shows all people who gave in memory of a particular person...

I am begging you - PLEASE enhance the capability of your SKY API to enable the Gift endpoint to return gift tribute data. Access to tribute data from 3rd party applications is ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL to our business operations, ESPECIALLY now due to the unfortunate disconnection of Microsoft application integration.

  • S. Quinn
  • May 9 2022
  • Attach files
  • Sarah Martin commented
    June 02, 2022 21:22

    I would like to add that we also need Gift Notes and Benefits available. In Canada we have to include Benefit information on the tax receipt and now we have to change business rules to add this info to an Attribute or the Gift Reference so it will appear on the receipt so we're doing double data entry. Also on some receipts we have info specific to a Will that we used to put in Gift Notes.

    It is very frustrating to have short notice during our busiest time to come up with a whole new solution for a functionality Blackbaud has removed and they cannot provide. The web view receipting is an ugly mess.