Allow the SSN field to be seen and used in web view

MANY organizations have repurposed this field to be an internal ID (employee ID, students ID, etc). We cannot move any of our operations into web view until we have this field available to us there. We need it for reference and for filtering.

  • Julie Hiland
  • Mar 24 2022
  • Attach files
  • Matt Haynes commented
    September 07, 2023 13:09

    Julie's suggestion is exactly accurate - many of my clients use this field for importing staff payroll gifts, and other imports - ability to search and see in web view is important!

  • Irfan Siddiqui commented
    June 19, 2023 20:50

    Is there a timeline for this to be implemented?

  • Ali Khan commented
    May 15, 2023 04:05

    It is one of the important fields to track the duplicate constituent. Highly recommended.