Change how "a different contact" process in NXT event form

Currently when someone uses the event registration form to pay, no matter who you choose to pay (Test 1, Test 2, or Add a different contact), the first registrant's name and address are automatically being used for the billing information. And if you want to use a different billing info, you have to click pay securely first, and then use the back arrow to edit the billing information. When the transaction is finished, even though I chose to add a new contact for the donation, the first guest added in the donation form was recorded as the donor. (it should be the new contact!)

I see it more as a bug or confusing UI. It should be who ever you choose, the billing information is brought over to the billing information. And if a donor choose to "Add a different contact", the new billing address fields should pop up right away. And the donation should be recorded under the actual donor, not just the first registrant!!

  • Miriam Cai
  • Feb 24 2022
  • Attach files
  • Miriam Cai commented
    February 25, 2022 19:09

    Thank you Samantha! I tried on a windows system (chrome and Edge) and a mac, both had the same problems.

  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    February 25, 2022 19:05

    Thank you for posting this - I think you have run into a bug! You are right, whomever the registrant indicates is "paying" on the third step of the form should have the corresponding address populating in Checkout.

    My team will be looking into this and I will post back when we've cleaned this up.

    Samantha McGuin
    Principal Product Manager