Add Addresee/Salutations in a Constituent List

We pull some of our email lists from NXT using a constituent list and use informal salutations when addressing our constituents. This is a field under Addressee/Salutations, and we have no way to add this to a constituent list. It would be extremely helpful to be able to choose what addressee and salutation data displays in a constituent list. The Preferred Name field looks to pull in data from the Nickname field. We only use Nickname in certain cases. For instance, the constituent is addressed in email communication with an informal salutation of Bob, but his Nickname (which say a Gift Officer might use) is Bobbo. Preferred Name as it is currently mapped for Constituent Lists will not work for us based on our current business rules.

  • Ilene Parlin
  • Dec 16 2021
  • Attach files