Receipt Stack in NXT Batch Entry - Canadian Database

Canadian Databases include the Receipt Stack on gift records, and this is often set at the time of Gift Entry.

Currenlty receipt stack is not available in teh NXT batch entry functionality preventing our ability to use the NXT batch entry.

  • JP Provencal
  • Nov 1 2021
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    November 04, 2022 18:23

    Just another step towards phasing out database view. This is such an inconvenience. Wish BB was a little more forward thinking and not so myopic. Also wish their customer service team was more educated with their own product.

  • Aldera Chisholm commented
    December 01, 2021 19:11

    I will second this. It is a massive deterrent to using NXT batch entry. Also, BBaud, I see this idea under a few different headers, can you please consolidate so that the votes are truly counted?