Track Changes Please: We need the ability to audit changes to records.

When I'm asked who, why, how and when a record was changed, I have a limited way of knowing this. It is incredibly helpful to manage data comprehensively when you can see who updated records and how.  I used to have an auditing tool which showed changes made: i.e. <deleted> Primary Phone <deleted> 303-111-1111 and <added> Primary phone <added> 303-555-555.  This showed me who removed a phone number and added a new one.  This ability to audit is helpful in many ways beyond seeing what changes were made, when and by who but ultimately allows a better ability to monitor data integrity. In advancement, its important to know how and in which ways the database is being enhanced.

  • Andrea Gonzales
  • Sep 19 2016
  • Attach files
  • Korlan Smagulova commented
    January 04, 2024 22:02

    It is a pain point for RE database administrator. There is no way to audit or create an audit log of records / changes created/deleted by date/user/specific changes made. If this can be introduced, that will help DB admins a LOT.

  • Linda Guttridge commented
    October 29, 2021 17:50

    I agree. We are able to pull queries to show when and who changed a field, but not all fields have a "Changed by" or "Date changed" option. We especially need one for Constituency Code changes--which is not available.

  • Rachael Walker commented
    February 19, 2020 13:51

    It is crazy that this is still not implemented, and that the only way to do it is with a third-party plugin that hosted users can't use.