For Web View Gift Receipting: Include Tribute Details in the Transaction Details (ala OLX receipts)

I'd like to see the Tribute info included in the Transaction Details in the same way they are in receipts sent from OLX. I think donors who make a gift in someone's memory and request that we notifiy someone, do like to see that this information has been received. OLX receipts provide that info along with the other transaction details, ie. date, amount & fund. I've been testing out Web View Gift Receiting today to consider how we would use it & was dissapointed to see the Tribute details were not included. I'm so used to seeing these details in OLX receipts. Please consider adding these details to Gift Receipting Transaction Details.

  • Rene Rosengren
  • May 21 2021
  • Attach files
  • Terry Kolic commented
    October 19, 2022 15:50

    Yes, I support this recommendation. It is not only online donations but any donation that comes through as a tribute gift. I think this is also important for gift batching via NXT, access to Tribute Module.