RE NXT Logged Actions in Google Calendar: Create a editable Google Calendar entry

In RE NXT you can create a Google Calendar entry through the Constituents individual Action record. It would be extremely helpful to be able to customize what RE NXT auto generates for the event entry in Google Calendars. For example, if I were to currently generate a Google Calendar event through a Task/Other action regarding a Grant Report, it auto populates with the action type and Notepad Description. It looks something like this," Task/Other Final Report". With the current iteration, I have to go into google calendars and edit the event title to be more specific, wasting my time. 

Now if I could customize the entry title while I am still in RE NXT it could read something like this, "DUE: Rockefeller Foundation - Final Grant Report for Western Oregon" which is much more helpful and I image this is something many people would be interested in. 

This will make it easier to track the events once they are put in Google Calendars. 

  • Audie Paulus
  • Aug 17 2016
  • Attach files
  • David Dines commented
    November 13, 2017 17:16

    I would like to second this. The resulting google calendar item is not very helpful.

    I would also ask that there be a way to sync all items assigned to a particular fundraiser to their own google calendar, rather than item by item as it currently is.