Pledge Installment Due Date Field on Column Output and/or in Filter

We would like to be able to view the pledge installment due date (past due or upcoming) in column output as well as a field to filter on. While the overdue pledge feature is helpful, we would like to be able to look forward at what will be due in the next month, for example. Also, the output lacks the overdue installment date. Right now, you have drill down into the gift detail to view this field.

  • Guest
  • Aug 15 2016
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  • Susan Fioribello commented
    July 08, 2023 11:34

    It would be very helpful to have a "pledge payment due next month" link in the Gifts section of Work Center. This would allow each Gift Officer to proactively reach out to their donors to remind them of upcoming gifts.

    Along the same lines, an "upcoming pledge payment due" tag would be really great as well.