BCC Raiser's Edge to create action.

This has probably been posted on a number of occasions, but my organization would pay almost any price to have it implemented.

My organization formerly used SalesForce as our CRM but is currently transitioning to RE7 & RE NXT.

The #1 feature we are looking to replicate from SF to RE is what we call "BCC to SalesForce."  Each SF user gets an individual BCC to SalesForce email address. Whenever we send an email to a constituent, we put the constituent's email in the "To" field and the BCC to SalesForce address in the "BCC" field. This sends an email into the SF system and looks for a match between the constituent email address and an email address we have in our database. If there is a match to a constituent that exists in our database, then an action is automatically created within that constituent's record with the summary being the email subject line, the assigned fundraiser the sender, and the description body of the action being the email body. This cuts down on having to double back and re-input a lot of correspondence.

This would be a killer feature, and from browsing these forums for the last several months, I know many Blackbaud customers would agree.

  • Guest
  • Aug 12 2016
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  • Jared Hughes commented
    September 28, 2017 16:23

    When Blackbaud purchases Convio and its platforms (Luminate) that does this - it should be incorporated immediately into the functionality of the other platforms that integrate and "talk" to it! This is SUCH a HUGE time saver....PLEASE add this!!