Refine search by constituent ID to match only exact digits entered

When we search for constituent 711 the results pull 1711, 10711, 11711, 12711, 13711, 17111, 17112 etc. We have thousands of records like many orgs. This makes search by ID # useless as 711 appears on page X . Same issue in query on db side.

  • JoAnn Strommen
  • Feb 18 2021
  • Attach files
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    • Greg McKnight commented
      July 13, 2022 21:09

      We have noticed the alias may contain that same # as the constituent ID you're searching, and that the list of #s that match (in whole or part) as an alias trump the constituent ID in the results list and appear first. You have to scroll through several screens just to find the "711" record you wanted.