Add Package Category in Acquisition/Retention Reporting filters

In order to utilize the Donor Acquisition or Retention Analysis Filters, we quite literally need to have Package Category available to be able to use the dashboards for their intended purpose. At this time, to only select "Category" of Campaign/Fund/Appeal is very broad, and does not serve much purpose outside of them being numbers to look at, to be looked at... to have Package Category would allow us to drill down on the segments we are capturing in Package, being able to identify the segments in very specific ways. Reason being to use Package. I would even suggest expanding the ways of filtering for Retention/Analysis/Recapture, but that is for another day. To incorporate this piece would at least allow us to use the data that is being presented to us. Thanks in advance!

  • Mikaela Z.
  • Feb 16 2021
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    • Amanda Hatt commented
      October 19, 2023 16:44

      Customization by date range is super important, as is the option to filter by Campaign, Appeal Category and Appeal Description. Currently these reports do not allow organizations to evaluate retention except overall/generalized results.