Use Sort Name for Orgs when sorting by Constituent Summary column

We use the "\" symbol in the Org Name field to set the Sort Name in RE organization records. We use the Sort Name output to sort names in reports and lists, so our fundraisers are accustomed to viewing names in that order.

In NXT web view, when sorting lists by Constituent Summary, it sorts by individual's last name and by the first character of org names, even when the “\” symbol has been used later in the name.  Many family foundations will have a full name or set of names before their surname.  We prefer them sorted by the surname. If other users don’t want it sorted this way, then they would simply not enter the “\” symbol, and it would go back to the first character sorting.

I would also prefer that this happens via the Constituent Summary column, as opposed to us having to add another column for Sort Name, which would be redundant information for the fundraisers to look at.

  • Tina Wikner
  • Jul 25 2016
  • Attach files
  • Doug Kruse commented
    February 05, 2020 13:55

    Agree. Nobody in their right mind would want, for example, The John & Mary Smith Foundation to be alphabetized in any list under "T" (for "The"). Obviously, it should be alphabetized under "S" ("Smith"). This one's a no-brainer that I respectfully ask Blackbaud to fix right away. (In fact, it should've already been part of the original NXT launch.) Thanks very much.