[Copy] Change "head of household" reference to something more inclusive/less patronizing

I work for a college; we have many alumni couples. Many are spouses of the opposite sex. Some are in same-sex marriages. We are using the "head of household" convention and have made the decision to assign the male alumnus as head of household. While I reviewed the threads about why the "head of household" convention is important for pulling lists, when I see that term it feels like a throwback to the 1950's and "Father Knows Best". In a time when our students and alumni are including their pronouns in their correspondence to us, when more alumni are in same-sex marriages, having a gender-binary male/female and head of household designations are a problematic throwback to a different era. Every time I see it on the screen, I am reminded that despite our institutionally stated value of "equity and inclusion" one alum is categorized above his spouse in this way. And while I don't agree with the approach that our institution has taken of willy-nilly assigning the "male" as "head of household", I think Blackbaud will likely have to address in the future how one includes a gender non-binary person in a data base like this, and this "head of household" nomenclature could easily be changed to something else. Interestingly, I was in a training with a planned giving software provider today and there was mention of an addition of a "they" pronoun in their input fields coming soon. Thank you for considering this request/idea.

  • Anthony Gallo
  • Oct 22 2020
  • Attach files
  • Jennifer Boettger commented
    May 04, 2022 18:28

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