Media description needs to be visible in NXT in addition to the title

When uploading a file in Media, I always had the date, the type of file, the attachment and then put a description in. I did not fill in the Title because I thought that the Description was sufficient. Come to find out, now that we are using NXT, and you look up someones media, all you can see is a date and an attachment and no description of what it is without looking at each attachment. Now I have found out that I cannot go into database view and add a title in because it still will not show in NXT. I would have to delete the whole entry and put in back in again or add a title in database view and in NXT.

  • Debbie Burress
  • Aug 20 2020
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • P Tyrone Smith commented
      September 17, 2020 20:02

      File descriptions are not showing up in NXT. All the work we've done to use the description area has been lost and we have no information of that the media attachment is about. Why wouldn't you just convert all fields from database view to webview. We have to look at Media in database view to be able to know what the media is about. File names in webview have also been changed and do not reflect the name of the file that has been uploaded into database view. Please fix this.