Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit RENXT-I-2775 NXT Donation Form - USA is the only country- need ALL countries I have set up in RE.

Canadian Clients Access to Donation Form Designer Merged

Provide a release date for the donation form designer function in NXT. This function provides automation and would make the online process more efficient for the admin. Not having a release ETA on the road-map or a dedicated Canada blog on release information is not helpful when Canada has a large client base for Blackbaud.

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  • Aug 18 2020
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  • Juliana Lawson commented
    August 18, 2020 21:33

    Hello Kate,

    Thank you for your Idea post. I am the RE NXT webview online donation form. I'm really hopeful that we will be able to release to Canada this year. We've been working on a plan, but until it is solid we don't want to announce a date. I understand your fustration and that you would like us to communicate the time frame, when we have it, to our Canadian customers.

    Thank you again for posting this idea.


    Juliana Lawson

    Senior Product Manager, Fundraising & Engagement Solutions
