Adding gifts in web view would automatically add Appeal to the constituent record

Right now, if you add gifts in the database view, the appeal will automatically be added to the constituent record. This is not the case in the web view. It would be really helpful for that functionality to exist on both views because right now it is not feasible for me to use the web view add gift feature.
This knowledge base article addresses this:

  • Elias Gannage
  • Aug 13 2020
  • Attach files
  • Rachel Dawson-Bowman commented
    October 13, 2023 08:44

    This is a huge problem for us for reporting income. It is not feasible (and is counterproductive) to manually enter the appeal info in database view for all of the individual donations that have come in from web view

  • Guest commented
    February 02, 2023 21:34

    This is a real problem, especially when running certain reports and most of our donations come in via web.