Make panels (such as relationships) Scroll instead of paged

Some panels, such as relationships, gifts, and opportunities, are set up so you have to click page numbers to view more information. This can be difficult when trying to get an overall view of the constituent. It would be much better if it was a scrolling box, so when you are clicked into a panel, you can just scroll down within the panel to see more information. 

As an example, in Analyze: Opportunities, you can scroll to see all of the opportunities in the second panel on the page.

  • Angela Bertrand
  • Jun 21 2016
  • Attach files
  • Regina Dodge commented
    September 28, 2023 20:12

    I would also like to see this for appeals panel too.

  • Bill Connors commented
    May 08, 2017 19:13

    Or add the option to Display All Relationships that takes one to a List like is available for Notes and Actions now to show all of them by clicking on the number of them at the top of that tile.  But it is annoying right now for a fundraiser trying to understand someone's total relationship picture to have to click page after page and back and forth among pages to get the full picture.

  • Jen Claudy commented
    June 23, 2016 17:54

    Love this idea...only potential downside is if there is additional delay when opening a record because of needing to load a lot of additional data.  Particularly on mobile devices, where I already (although part of it is likely my phone) get the spinning wheel of death for what seems like a full two minutes before the record opens.  Maybe if the data in a Tile isn't loaded until the Tile is opened?  Then for someone like me, just get in the habit of collapsing all Tiles on the mobile view before exiting so they'll be collapsed the next time I open it.