Reuse workflows on same constituent

We often have the need to add the same workflow on a constituent. Currently, I have to name workflows 1,2,3, etc. so that I can reuse the same one. It would be nice to have the capability to see the pop-up that the workflow has already been used but then to be able to use it anyway.

  • Cheryl Stadtler
  • Jul 28 2020
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Katie Beilfuss commented
      July 23, 2024 19:32

      Would be so nice to actually be able to copy THE WHOLE WORKFLOW so as to not have to recreate a workflow from scratch -- which we have to do all the time since any workflow only works ONCE for any given constituent (the logic of which defies me).

    • Evan W commented
      July 07, 2023 20:40

      I can't believe it's been 3 years and this still hasn't been implemented

    • Guest commented
      June 28, 2023 21:58

      No documentation on the website saying this is a limitation of workflow. We had to have several gift stewardship actions missed to figure out what was happening. Again no documentation on the website outlining the limitations (there are several) so we've had to spend a lot of time triaging why certain gifts weren't triggering actions. This tool is meant to save time not create extra work.

    • Jenny Mulcock commented
      April 27, 2023 01:27

      Absolutely! It would be great to have it as an option that could be turned on or off in workflow settings. Even better would be the option to define a time period that should elapse before a constituent can receive it again, det it to never or set it to any time.

    • Cheena DeAraujo-Desir commented
      September 14, 2022 16:12

      With the New MC compliance this would have come in handy for use to send emails to constituents letting them know they are getting charged on a specific day. The Workflow is just too limited and needs a drastic improvement.

    • Sandra Iuppa commented
      June 02, 2022 22:30

      YES! A person needs to be have the ability to be on a workflow more than once. We are using it for birthday's and didn't realize that if they were on the workflow last year before they wouldn't be this year. Lot's of people missed! Birthday's are yearly it needs to be a continuous workflow that people can qualify for more than once.

    • Victoria Schonfeld commented
      April 15, 2022 12:32

      Yes please! And to make it worse, I couldn't even find documentation telling me that this wasn't already possible.

    • Linda Guttridge commented
      July 19, 2021 21:12

      Yes! Please. We need the ability to run the workflow more than once. We use this for Declined EFTs and credit cards.

    • Julie Hiland commented
      April 28, 2021 13:36

      What Hannah said. Those use cases are exactly the two that are creating pain points for us.

    • Hannah West commented
      April 15, 2021 17:42

      It would be great if the Workflow would offer a checkbox option to allow a Workflow to the same constituent multiple times. Sometimes we wouldn't want to repeat a workflow (Welcome Series, for example, should only happen once. But there are lots of use cases where we want the Worflow to apply more than once. Two examples: 1) Birthday cards 2) Donations over X amount get a solicitor phone call.

    • Desirae Scott commented
      January 27, 2021 19:32

      Agreed, we need to allow a constituent to requalify for the same Workflow. For example, we would like to use this to send a birthday message on people's birthdays, but right now we would have to create a new Workflow every year because no one would qualify for the Workflow after the first birthday greeting.

    • Beth Dunning commented
      November 17, 2020 22:44

      Here's a variation on this request. Allow us to use Gift lists to power work flows, using the Gift ID as the unique identifier. There will never be another identical gift ID, so each gift would come through the "thank you call" work flow only once.
      Should this request reside here, or should this be created as a separate idea?

    • Sophia Frome commented
      November 13, 2020 20:46

      Same here. I want a workflow to create an action to send a card for certain dollar value gifts. Did not realize that they could not be pulled in each time they make a gift. Now I need to create a new workflow each month. Very frustrating.

    • Catherine Burns commented
      November 11, 2020 02:50

      Agreed. We set up a workflow to assign a Thank You Call to our major gifts officer when we receive large gifts. But I just discovered that constituents can only go though a workflow once so I would need to rebuild it every month to pick up their next gift. This is not very practical.

    • Greg McKnight commented
      October 01, 2020 14:49

      We had hoped to use workflow for our DOs to easily enter contact reports that are the same for everyone (birthday cards, thank you notes, etc.) for easy data entry. And need to be able to use it multiple times.

    • Julia Kalinkina commented
      August 25, 2020 02:59

      We have the same issue: we need the same record to go into the workflow more than once. For expamle, each time a person requests bequest kit information, we are adding the attribute with the date of request and should be able to automatically email the information to them. Currently it is only possible for the first request and not for the subsequent ones.

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