Add a Calendar YTD and Fiscal YTD filter option to insights so the comparison to the same period is accurate

I have a dashboard based on "This Year" with several insights. However, the compare to "Same period previous" shows data for the entire year total of the previous year instead of the YTD for the previous period. This does not allow for a live look at our complete KPIs as the user will need to constrain the dates so insights using "Same period previous" comparisons are accurate. Please add a Calendar YTD and Fiscal YTD filter option to insights so the comparison to the same period previous is accurate.

  • Sunshine Reinken Watson
  • Jul 16 2020
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    • Toniya Katsarov commented
      December 12, 2024 21:35

      Year-To-Date is one of the most used reports and having to update it manually is huge disadvantage. It will be very helpful if previous years are updated dynamically!

    • Sunshine Reinken Watson commented
      June 12, 2024 15:42

      This would be so helpful! As of now, users have to update the filter rather than have the YTD insights behave dynamically.

    • Paula Best commented
      August 12, 2020 15:37

      Agree and the YTD = Year to Date nor year total donations.

    • Elaine Payne commented
      July 16, 2020 16:09

      This makes so much sense!

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