Exclude soft credit gifts in workflow

I would like to exclude soft credits from the process in workflow. I don't need an action for both spouses if one makes a gift. It just makes extra work to go in and clean up those actions.

  • Sophia Frome
  • May 6 2020
  • Reviewed: Need Further Info
  • Attach files
  • Christel Tatro commented
    February 09, 2024 17:40

    could also add HoH processing as a selection criteria in Workflow audience

  • Sunshine Reinken Watson commented
    July 11, 2023 19:38

    Please add this to workflow! The "when a constituent gives a gift" criteria is not functional without it.

  • Sophia Frome commented
    November 13, 2020 20:57

    So I think the list would work, but I just learned that I have to go in and recreate the workflow on a monthly basis since it won't pull a constituent more than once. I don't have the ability on the list to filter on gift date added. I could be adding a gift with a gift date of last week so I think when I first recreate that workflow I could get duplicates. I haven't tested it yet, but I think that's what would happen. With the filers on the workflow I would get people who had a gift entered the day before so it would be easy to deactivate the old workflow and activate a new one without getting any duplicated actions. Plus it's just easy to create the criteria right in the workflow when I only have 1 filter, the gift amount.

  • Admin
    Kylee Long commented
    July 28, 2020 18:20

    Hi! Have you tried doing this with Lists instead of the Constituent Criteria in Workflow Designer? In Lists you can choose to include/exclude soft credits with the filters. You could just build the list you want, choose to exclude soft credits, and then use that List for the workflow. Would that give you what you are looking for?