NXT Fundraising-Reporting - Easily allow inactive funds to be excluded from Reporting

We have hundreds of inactive funds and we need to exclude current funds that are non-charitable from our reporting. I have had to uncheck the inactive funds as well as the non-charitable funds to exclude the non-charitable funds from reporting because there is a limit of 500 funds that can be filtered. I would like for the inactive funds not to show in the filtering dropdown, so that I only have to uncheck the non-charitable funds to exclude them.

  • Christie D'Adamo
  • Apr 23 2020
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    • Rene Rosengren commented
      June 16, 2022 15:10

      Please combine the votes for all Ideas related to hiding inactive fields. This is a core funciton in the database view and should have already been carried over to the Web View. Our team can't be expected to know what is inactive and what isn't when they are filter. They should only see what's active.