Use NXT Email like Database Mail Function

We would love to use the Email function in RE NXT Marketing section to email donors receipts for their gifts, instead of mailing them. However, since it has to be based off a Constituent List, and the Merge Fields are super limited, we are unable to do this at this time.


It would also be great, like the Mail function, in the database, if after Acknowledgement Emails would be sent, if the gifts could me Marked as Acknowledged.


When I went to BBCON I had presenters who said you could use the email function to send Acknowledgments and it simply isn't true. Very disappointing.

  • Michelle Schindler
  • Feb 12 2020
  • Attach files
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    • Arlene commented
      September 23, 2020 14:08

      It would be great to be able to send the donor an email acknowledging receipt of their donation right after the donation is entered in RE nxt or Re database view.