Configuring Event Participation Registration Field in RE

We need to be able to configure the Participant/Registration field in Event to suit the way we record our events in Raisers Edge.


The 'Registration' field is NOT a 'Required' field for us/everyone and should not be hard coded into the system making it unchangeable.


So also is the 'Lookup' option besides Participation. It is NOT a required field for us/everyone and should be made editable too.


We should be given the option to untick the ‘Required’ and ‘Lookup’ boxes to make them editable OR insert a ‘blank line’ option in 'Lookup' if field not required.

  • Paulina Johnson
  • Feb 12 2020
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    February 12, 2020 19:56

    Hi! Thanks for submitting this idea!

    Can you possibly send along a screenshot of where you're seeing the Participant Lookup and Registration fields as required? We're a little confused about which screen you're referring to and I want to make sure I'm understanding the problem you're seeing.


    Samantha McGuin
    Principal Product Manager, Events