NXT Report Builder: Fund Performance > campaign filter should omit non-applicable funds

I am trying to build a report that any staff member can look at to see where the income this FY vs. the Budgeted Goal. Every FY I put the new FY goal amount into each fund. My report builder has two filters- date range (FY20) and Campaign. There are MANY funds that do not fall into the income range- for instance we send money to the Archdiocese and it doesn't apply to our campaigns. No matter what I try, EVERY fund name remains on this insight. It reports correctly ($0 towards the filtered campaigns from those funds) but it creates a lot of unnecessary wasted space instead of a coherent and compact report.

  • xochitl nisbet
  • Dec 20 2019
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    • Rene Rosengren commented
      February 11, 2020 14:00

      I meant to say that the Fund Giving Insight doesn't return a list of funds unconnected to the filtered campaign.  The Fund Performance Insight should work this same way. It should respond to the filters & only show the relevant funds. Thanks!


    • Rene Rosengren commented
      February 11, 2020 13:57

      Yes! This is a design flaw in this report. Please fix it! The Fund Giving report works the way the Fund Performance report should. That is, it doesn't return a list of funds when the report is filtered on a specific campaign. Please fix this issue as the Fund Performance Insight is the better report since it includes a roll up & progress toward a goal.