Add Class Year as a sortable column option in Constituent Lists

Would like to see a filter and column options for Primary Alumni/ae Class field in Lists.  School fundraisers need that important piece of information for filtering and/or sorting.

  • Dan Junkins
  • May 5 2016
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Ellen Hannah commented
    October 07, 2018 12:18

    I do not see an option to filter by 'Class Year is One of' in the situation
    that you want multiple class years that are not consecutive. Is it possible
    to add that?
    Ellen Hannah

  • Graham Getty commented
    October 04, 2018 15:13

    Here's the link to related idea to make class year configurable in RE NXT as either YY or YYYY:

  • Jarod Bonino commented
    October 04, 2018 15:10

    Thanks Graham. That context is helpful. I do agree that in general, referencing yourself as an alum from the class of YYYY sounds a bit dated or robotic. So I get what you're saying there. Thanks for creating the new idea! We'll keep it up to date as/when we make decision regarding the configurability of the year format. As with many things, it's often a question of priority. Not a question of whether or not it would be useful or people would like the option. 

  • Graham Getty commented
    October 04, 2018 15:04

    I'll create a separate idea for preference for configurable YY or YYYY class years. Four digit class years are so far out of mainstream thinking that folks are often confused at first glance when they see four digits after some people's names but not others. I've gotten the question - Is RE NXT broken? Why is it showing some folks id numbers? When it's just class years. 

  • Jarod Bonino commented
    October 04, 2018 15:00

    Thanks Graham,

    I'm not sure I'm following why "1984" is "not as useful" as "'84". It sounds like perhaps a preference that you would like to be able to configure, which I do understand and would recommend a separate Idea to track, but I want to make sure I'm not missing some nuance as to the usefulness of the YYYY format. If anything, I would worry that YY is "not as useful" as YYYY since you wouldn't know right off if "18" meant 1918 or 2018...

  • Graham Getty commented
    October 04, 2018 14:56

    Speaking as someone coming from a school, we also need to be able to configure class years to display as 'YY instead of just YYYY both in lists columns and in name configuration "Bill Connors 1984" is not as useful as "Bill Connors '84" - this is especially true now that SKY Mail uses your RE Name configuration for the TO: Name in SKY emails.

  • Jarod Bonino commented
    October 04, 2018 14:37

    Class year has been added as both a filter and an output field in Constituent Lists, so I was tempted to mark this as "Shipped". However, based on Bills comment I'm instead going to change the title to better represent the remaining request (Class year as a sortable column).

    However I did want to make sure that everyone subscribed to this idea knows that Lists can be filtered by class year and the name format settings allow you to include class year in the name (Which displays in the Constituent summary column in Constituent Lists).

  • Bill Connors commented
    July 24, 2018 16:52

    It is NOT sufficient that Class of just be displayed as part of the name.  It needs its own column so it can be sorted by.

  • Matthew Nareff commented
    August 11, 2016 12:43

    I strongly agree.  Much of the work that is done at an educational institution is based around class years and there needs to be a way to do this in NXT.

  • Daniel Bayer commented
    June 08, 2016 13:13

    This is ESSENTIAL information for anyone at an educational institution.