Manage non-constituent participant name, contact info, etc. from participant list

I'm stymied by needing to modify names/contact information for guests but the 3-dot menu button "edit" only lets me change the participation types, not the participant details. We registered folks as "Guest of Smith Table" and need to add the names so we can check them in, or they registered on BBNC where "Title" is an optional field, and BBNC put the title as the first name and the first name as the middle name.


Currently, I'm having to open the database view to manage these participants. I'd love to be able to do it from the participant list in NXT or the participant page (for the Host/guest party)!

  • Keri Barnhart
  • Sep 10 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
  • Attach files
  • Cindy Erwin commented
    October 14, 2021 20:03

    Jumping in on this request from 2 years ago... it would be ideal to be able to have the option to change an un-named guest into a non-constituent participant without having to go into the database to manage. Currently, once we learn who the un-named guest is, the only thing we can do is edit it into a constituent, which isn't always helpful.

  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    September 13, 2019 19:48

    Ah - I see what you mean. Thanks for the additional info Keri! We'll see what we can design up to fix this.

  • Keri Barnhart commented
    September 12, 2019 21:25

    Right - or even if there was a typo in the email address (joe.smith@gmai.lcom for example) or we need to tweak the name formatting from ALL CAPS so it can be exported for nametags, we can't do that without being able to edit constituents or by going into the database view. Or, of course, completely deleting the non-constituent participant and re-adding them.

  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    September 12, 2019 21:17

    I'm following you Keri. Today we let you edit the Statuses and Participation Level, but not the Guest if Guest of Jane Doe shows up at the event and is actually Rob Wilson, today you would have to remove Guest of Jane Doe and add Rob Wilson which if they came in from online may lose registrant attribute information, etc.

    This is a problem we're looking to solve - hoping to get a solution out in the next few months. I'll keep you posted through this Idea.

  • Keri Barnhart commented
    September 12, 2019 20:31

    Hi Samantha,

    I'm actually using Chrome and Vivaldi (which is a Chromium browser) on my desktop. When I click on the participant's name, I do get the slide-out, but there's no option for editing the party, participant name or other participant contact information. When I click on the "Mr. Smith" at the very top of the participant pane, I go to a non-constituent constituent record.  (Honestly, I hate these, because i have no idea what i'm looking at or where it's linked to.) As an admin, I can modify the name and other information for a non-constituent constituent record, but my non-admin accounts who only have permission to edit participants can't modify anything. They also can't see hidden name fields, so when "Mr. Joe Smith" gets mapped as "Mr. Smith" from BBNC, they have no idea what the first name is.

  • Admin
    Samantha McGuin commented
    September 12, 2019 20:23

    Hi Keri!

    What type of device are you on when you're trying to do this?

    If you're on a desktop, and click once on the Participants name, you should be able to see the slideout on the right with the Party information right at the top where you can add or edit guest names. If you're on a mobile device, however, you'll go right into the record where you can manage guest names.

    I'm guessing you are doing this for mobile where it forces the extra click, but would love more information about your use case here.
