Ability to export a custom dashboard to PDF

Need the ability to export a custom dashboard from report builder to PDF, instead of just Excel. We want the ability to share these dashboards with people who do not have access to RE NXT.

  • Alex Oakley
  • May 29 2019
  • Reviewed: Voting Open
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    • Guest commented
      13 Jan 22:01

      Yes, please.

    • Hillary Cote commented
      June 28, 2024 16:08

      This would be so useful. We present several insights from custom dashboards to executives and our board, and I have to either re-create the insight in Excel, or take a screenshot of the dashboard, which leaves us with bad image quality. Leadership feels like they are giving us a simple request, so it's disappointing that it is so much additional work.

    • Kim Rich commented
      January 11, 2023 14:52

      I concur with adding this as a PDF export at the very least. I am stunned it is still not available as a simple export. There is no logic in this shortsightedness and it leaves me wondering why we pay for an add-on with limited functionality.

    • Suzie Capps commented
      November 10, 2022 14:34

      The lack of PDF exporting of custom dashboards is severely limiting our ability to use NXT for reporting for our leadership, some of whom are less tech savvy and will not look at an 'active' NXT dashboard. As you can already export pre-built dashboards to PDFs it should not be time consuming to add this to custom-built ones.

    • Gary Cook commented
      September 27, 2022 20:51

      Dashboards are a usefully way to show staff and leadership information they need to pay attention to, but they don't build checking them into their schedules. The ability to email custom dashboards, especially if given the same functionality as the built-in dashboards, would be an important step forward in making data useful for planning purposes.

    • Megan Tope commented
      August 18, 2022 12:48

      Please, please add this!! Custom dashboards are useless if I cannot share them with leadership in the format they want. I understand they are meant to be dynamic and viewed online, but no executive or board member wants to do this, they NEED a printout. Please allow us to print them!

    • Guest commented
      June 08, 2022 18:31

      YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE! :o) So helpful for sharing this great data to board and others not in RE!

    • Ben Rymer commented
      January 07, 2022 12:27


    • Scotland Preston commented
      September 27, 2021 21:21

      This is so necessary! Other CRMs have this capability with their Analytics.

    • Guest commented
      August 24, 2021 07:59

      YES PLEASE! This would help me so much.

    • Eliza Lynn commented
      August 23, 2021 19:24

      This is long overdue! Please see Whitney Sparks' comments about correct formatting and images, etc not being split over two pages - that would help a lot! Thank you

    • Whitney Sparks commented
      August 23, 2021 18:22

      Disappointing that developers don;t seem to think things through full circle, this is an excellent example. And when the PDF is able to get exported, it needs to be formatted correctly, so graphic (a single graph, chart or other visualization) is not split in half between two pages.

    • Katy Hargis commented
      August 23, 2021 18:16

      this is a must have. This is why I don't use it.

    • Katherine Flowers commented
      August 20, 2021 16:55

      I was shocked when I realized this was not already a feature! This absolutely needs to be added! Right now, I have to do screenshots when our President wants to share a dashboard. Please add this feature!

    • Stacy Cope commented
      August 04, 2021 13:58

      Or the ability to email it to executives, volunteers, etc.

    • Nathan Munn commented
      April 27, 2021 19:31

      You can output built-in reports such as Overview, Campaign, Fund, etc. as printable pdfs. Why not custom dashboards?

    • Ashley Bereziuk commented
      March 09, 2021 13:31

      It feels so limiting to not have this. Our governing board does not have access to RE, nor would it make sense for them to, so having a snapshot of our monthly dashboards is crucial! With this being a service customers are paying extra for, it should already be available to us - just like the canned dashboards. BB, please fix this!

    • Scotland Preston commented
      February 05, 2021 15:56

      Rene, although I agree that they aren't meant to be static, sometimes it is useful to share a snapshot to the head of our department where we stand. We have a weekly report that shows gifts, actions, etc for the past week, and right now I am screenshotting it so she has that quick snapshot in her email and doesn't have to follow the link and login, to see it quickly.

    • Rene Rosengren commented
      February 01, 2021 17:46

      I love the Dashboards, but the beauty of them is that they are dynamic & so really aren’t meant to be static. For those who are finding they want a static report to share, have you tried using the ability to share a link with folks who aren’t RE users?

    • Ellie Claffey commented
      November 19, 2020 14:18

      We are switching to custom dashboards from Crystal reports, and the ability to export the dashboards as a PDF to email to executive team members, deans, development officers, and the University President is crucial.

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