Currently, NXT only shows one education attribute per category. For example, if a student received three scholarships, and all were coded with a "Scholarship Recipient" attribute category, only one of the scholarships appear in NXT. This is an unfortunate deficit, especially when attempting to track/report on scholarships, honors recognition, or other components of a student's record that are listed based on academic year. Please replace the "and 2 more" notation with a full listing of all education attributes.
Certainly! The tile has limited on space but if you click the education institution name, it will take you to a dedicated education page with all custom fields available.
Chris, can you clarify what you mean? Attributes within education on an individual's record where they have more than one entry for an attribute category still says "and XX more" with no ability to view them.
Education now has its own page showing all custom fields
I agree, it should list all the sports played instead of just saying "and 1 more"
I agree! If someone plays 2 sports or is a double major it only lists one and then and 1 more. Need to be able to see all of them in NXT.
If you could "drill down" on the and ??more, that would be helpful - this way at least when you are in the record you don't have to go into DB view to see more info. This needs fixing please! Our development team has continuously asked about this feature.
We just completed updating extracurricular involvement data on RE Education Attributes,e.g. we can now see in data base view participation in choirs, sports, for all students since 2000; Unfortunately, RENXT only gives a summary of this attribute, e.g. "Choir, Chamber Choir and 12 others". The "12 others" are valuable information as we build relationships and make fund raising appeals. Can we please have the ability to drill down into the "others" when it comes to this aspect of education attributes?
This is a huge issue for us. We use the attributes to track sports particpation. We can only see one and then it might say 1 other or 2 others, etc. Not a great way to view records in NXT. It makes users have to keep going back to the database view.