Date field is Blank List criteria is needed!

In auditing Opportunities, I need to see where my fundraisers have or have not added dates. I need an option for "OR Date is Blank/Empty" in the List criteria.

This is especially important when I'm running my semiannual audit to mark Opportunities as inactive, or when I'm checking the Funded Amount to make sure the date is correct. If I use "Specific Range" as though it were a Greater Than/Less than (by leaving one field blank), blank dates aren't included, and there is no option in the drop-down for blank dates.

We need to make sure all the fields are filled in for reporting, and when I can't sort by date if there's an amount, I can't find out where people forgot to put the date in.

  • Keri Barnhart
  • Feb 11 2019
  • Attach files