Automatic Shared Relationships and family tree view on NXT

Our organization is one that is very family-based. We have multiple members of the same extended family come to our camps, and for fundraising purposes it's often helpful to know who is related to whom. 

NXT and RE should have the ability to automatically build relationships, based on the loose framework that is already there, and shouldn't have to rely on manual imput. IE, if we put a new camper into our system named Joe Robinson, and we assign his mother as Mary Robinson, then Joe should automatically become "related" to everyone in Mary's file based on family rules. IE Mary's sister would become Joe's Aunt, her mother, would become Joe's Grandmother, her cousin would become Joe's 1st Cousin once removed, and so on. This should also be available as an update. 

Beyond that- NXT should have a Family Tree View. Often times it's not helpful to see a list of someone's relationships, as it is to see it graphically recognized. 

The lack of this funcitonality makes it more difficult for me to do my job.

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  • Feb 1 2019
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