Please add Contact field back to Actions and Proposals

Our gift processor looks at actions and proposals to verify who the solicitor is working with when sending correspondence.

  • Nancy Hartman
  • Feb 5 2016
  • Attach files
  • Nathan Munn commented
    March 24, 2021 14:34

    It looks like the Contact field is now available for Action records in NXT but not for Opportunities. It should be available for both. Currently an opportunity record added in NXT needs to have the contact added in RE7, which makes no sense and will seriously disincentivize use of NXT by our gift officers. Creating an opportunity record should be seamless!

  • Sunshine Watson commented
    August 29, 2016 20:17

    No. In a proposal/opportunity for an organization you can select a contact for that organization in database view.

  • William Tolentino commented
    August 29, 2016 20:16

    Not solicitor assignments but when adding actions/proposals for an organization an employee, contact for the organization.

  • Deleted User commented
    August 29, 2016 20:10

    Actions & Opportunities have Solicitor assignment fields.  Is that what you're looking for?

  • Sunshine Watson commented
    August 12, 2016 16:26

    Yes please! I must add the contact name to the notes so my grants manager and VP of Development can see who they need to work with. Please make the contact field visible in the NXT view!