Rename "Proposals" to "Fundraising Opportunities"

"Proposals" in fundraising are written solicitations asking for a gift.  That's not the intent of this function in RE, which can be used long before any proposal is written and often no proposal is ever written.  It just confuses fundraisers who think they have to wait to use the function until they get to the proposal/solicitation stage, which is just not true.  NXT renames a lot of things already, this should be renamed as well.

  • Bill Connors
  • Jan 13 2016
  • Attach files
  • Georgia Lesh commented
    April 13, 2021 21:12

    Please (pretty please with a cherry on top!) just call it proposal in both places. Everyone uses 'proposals' and knows what they mean. The term 'opportunities' is not industry standard and can mean very different things outside the database. As a database manager, I'm forced to clarify or translate every time we talk about it, since it means different things to different people, and that creates frustration. If we have funds and proposals and campaigns, we don't need opportunities, and we certainly don't need two different names for the same thing. And we understand that we can use the proposals function before a proposal is written (planning and strategy.)

  • Miranda Harrington commented
    February 15, 2019 22:31

    If they were just named the same way in the NXT shell as they are in database view (shaking fist at the sky)!!

  • Kristen Barlow commented
    May 11, 2016 14:32

    I'm not a fan of the term "Opportunities" this is not industry standard and we do not submit Opportunities to grantors/funders we submit proposals. I also think this is more confusing to fundraisers who work in the grants area. Since this suggestion only got 2 votes, I'm not sure why the jump to change?

    I could see where in the work center there could be an area named "Open Opportunities" that could list only OPEN proposals for the fundraiser to easily prioritize. However, changing proposals across NXT doesn't seem helpful.

  • Christiana Czarnowski commented
    May 11, 2016 14:30

    I second Graham's request to allow us, the client, to rename these things as we see fit. While I understand what Bill was talking about, you can look at this from the opposite direction as well. In the same fashion that the name Proposal might imply to some fundraisers that they have to wait to use this area, the name Opportunities implies a future event. But is it still an opportunity when it's in the past?  With our gift officers working in both the database view and the web view, this need to change names all over the place is causing more confusion than anything.

  • Graham Getty commented
    May 05, 2016 16:11

    Don't disagree but would like the ability to either keep the name the same in web view or make our own custom name if needed. If renaming a field in NXT is as easy as this seems and Blackbaud is okay with names in NXT not matching database view, why not let organizations rename fields (or not) as each sees fit (javascript in tile configuration ... dropdown for admins only)? I've worked for organizations who like the fact that "Proposals" truly can be used only for tracking major asks.